DIY & Crafts

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Asymmetrical Textile Statement Necklace Gladiola - Etsy | Statement kolyeler, Aksesuarlar, Halat kolye
Asymmetrical Textile Statement Necklace Gladiola - by "fiber2love" on etsy:
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Love this idea! Stencil with wax to make a wax resist, then watercolor paint over the wax to reveal the pretty pattern! Great for wall art. DIY Project Tutorial - Paint Watercolor Wall Art with Craft Stencils - Royal Design Studio:
washer, fabric/paper, mod podge... adorable necklace
washer, fabric/paper, mod podge... adorable necklace by Debbie Cowling
Tutorials: Tissue Paper Pendants
Snapping Monsters: Tutorials: Tissue Paper Pendants made with Ice Resin