162 Pins
Chakra shelves. Pagan Wiccan Witch craft inspiration. Great for urban witches! Use any tight corner! It's wasted space anyway, may as well make it pretty.
Harvard Neurosurgeon Confirms The Afterlife Exists | Spirit Science and Metaphysics
Weighing Human Souls - The 21 Grams Theory - Historic Mysteries
Does the human soul weigh 21 grams? On 10 April 1901, an unusual experiment was conducted in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Dr. Duncan MacDougall was going to prove that the human soul had mass, and was therefore, measurable. He weighed 6 people who were on the brink of death then weighed them again as they died. He got some interesting results.
How To Cleanse Your Own Aura In 7 Easy Steps - Psychic Development
How To Cleanse Your Own Aura In 7 Easy Steps - Psychic Development
Chakra Healing Sounds - Balance Your Chakra.
Tibetan Singing Bowl Solfeggio Frequencies for Chakra Balancing and Meditation.
Spirit Science 2 ~ Chakras
If you visualize the colors of the chakras in the movie of your mind starting from the root chakra up, you will automatically go to the state of Alpha, 7-14 brain cycles per second. ~Ming Spirit Science 2 ~ Chakras
How Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Explains Human Motivation
What's Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?: What Is the Hierarchy of Needs?