Here you will find illustrations for my series of mystery novels "Cassandra's Shadows" which you can find on Amazon, Smashwords and Play Market. The link is in the descriptions of the pictures.
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The Beast
‘Trust me, the murderer you’re looking for is not among men.’ A Werewolf of the Moor
Ode to the Moor
"The moor — the perfect elegy to sorrow and solitude. The place where poets were born and where they came to die." A Werewolf of the Moor
A Werewolf of the Moor by Maryna Gaidar - Books on Google Play
‘The moor is a lonely place,’ her voice had trembled when she started after a long pause in which the only sound they all had listened to was the sound of the moor roaring with hundreds incessant winds. ‘All you’ve got here are your regrets and your misery. If you let them, they will eat you alive. People come to the moor to clear their heads. But there’s no running away from yourself." A Werewolf of the Moor
A Werewolf of the Moor (Cassandra's Shadows Book 2)
"Even in a blissful place like the Ubsdale Farm there was no longer any peace. It had been touched by death, and all the beauty of the leaves and flowers had turned to ashes. Thunderstorm clouds blocked the sun; the wilting and rot of vegetation pervaded the revel of life. Such was the rule of grief." A Werewolf of the Moor
A Werewolf of the Moor
"His daughter would live with her father’s mistakes for the rest of her life. But, then, don’t we all? Don’t we all?" A Werewolf of the Moor by M.M.Gaidar "А донька Лонглі до кінця днів житиме із помилками свого батька. Хоча чи не живемо із ними ми всі?" Звір з вересової пустки, автор Марина Гайдар
The Voices behind the Walls
"The former smoker hesitated for about a second and then took a cigarette. She put it between her lips, and the man brought a burning match to its tip, his hand cupped around it to shield it from the wind. It all looked like an oddly well-trained routine that could happen between two absolute strangers anywhere in the world." The Voices behind the Walls by M.M.Gaidar
The Voices behind the Walls
"Then he would place the bugs on the velvet, meticulously lining them up, and slowly piercing them with a pin. ‘Come and look, Cassie!’ he would beckon. ‘Aren’t they beautiful?’ She would look at them, their little legs twitching, but she didn’t see beauty. All she saw was death." The Voices behind the Walls by M.M.Gaidar
The Voices behind the Walls
"Broken things need to be cast away. Or they will be letting you down all your life." by M.M.Gaidar "Поламаних речей слід позбуватися. Інакше, вони розчаровуватимуть тебе усе твоє життя." Голоси за стінами, автор Марина Гайдар
The Voices behind the Walls
"Cassandra remained by her mother’s bedchamber, wondering how it was possible that the same place on earth could bring so many happy memories, while at the same time being the reason for the worst memories of all." The Voices behind the Walls by M.M.Gaidar "Якийсь час Кассандра залишалася біля кімнати своєї матері й думала про те, як одне й те саме місце на землі могло зберігати у собі стільки щасливих спогадів і у той же час бути також причиною найгірших." Голоси за стінами, автор МаринаГайдар
The Voices behind the Walls
"Funny, but Cassandra had always thought there were no wounds she would not be able to survive; after all, she had managed to grow a thick skin. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe this time a wound had been inflicted that would never heal." The Voices behind the Walls by M.M.Gaidar "Кассандрі вже почало здаватися, що немає ран, яких вона не зможе пережити: зрештою, їй вдалося відростити товсту шкіру. Можливо, вона помилилася. Можливо, цього разу, рана, якої вона зазнала, ніколи не загоїться."
The Highgate Ghost
"A sulky place it was – a dark tunnel obscured by the canopy of sprawling vegetation. It resembled a very old medieval street with two rows of doors, except they did not lead to the houses of the living, but to the crypts, the last dwelling of the dead." The Highgate Ghost by M.M.Gaidar "З обох боків розташовувалися двері, за якими, на перший погляд, начебто знаходилися домівки, але з тих дверей ніхто ніколи не виходив, бо вели вони у склепи – останній прихисток мертвих." Хайгейтський привид
The Highgate Ghost
"I find dark poetry more truthful than romantic. Death is very real, while love can be just an illusion." The Highgate Ghost by M.M.Gaidar "Я вважаю похмуру поезію більш правдивою за романтичну. Смерть реальна, в той час як любов може виявитися лише ілюзією." Хайгейтський привид, автор Марина Гайдар
The Highgate Ghost
"Any more or less respected cemetery would cherish its ghost stories; however, no spirits had disturbed the life or death at London’s Highgate Cemetery. No lost souls had wandered among the moss-covered gravestones, and no apparitions had spooked the visitors; that is, until recently." The Highgate Ghost by M.M.Gaidar
The Highgate Ghost
"At some places, the roots of the trees poked out from the ground and held to the flat headstones like crooked fingers to a handful of cards, playing a game against death that no one had ever won." The Highgate Ghost by M.M.Gaidar "Місцями коріння дерев стирчало з-під землі, як гачкуваті пальці величезних рук. А поміж тих пальців трималися групками надгробки, наче гральні карти. То була гра проти суперника, якого ніхто не міг здолати – проти смерті." Хайгейтський привид, автор Марина Гайдар