
19 Pins
Since 1992, the first advocate for sloths in Costa Rica
The Sloth Sanctuary does a great job with these little babies!!! ----> Baby sloths!... The cuteness. Look for #meetthesloths on #animalplanet from November!
The Original Tiger Mom
The original tiger mom. I love this story: A tiger mother lost her cubs from premature labor. Shortly afterwards she became depressed and her health declined. The vet diagnosed her with depression. So they wrapped up piglets in tiger cloth and gave them to the tiger. The tiger now loves these pigs and treats them like her babies. Who says animals don't have feelings.
At full speed by Marion Vollborn / 500px
A cheetah baby cub and sprinting is in his blood. Heartwarming and cute, even more so when reading of what goes on with the african wildlife as in articles like this.