Growth Mindset, Grit & Resilience

Entrepreneur Quiz - FUNNEL Opt-in Quiz
Free quiz at the link - find out which Growth Mindset traits your child has. #GrowthMindset #InspirePossibility
Ministry Innovation Fellows Take on 'Care of Souls'
Care of Souls report. Courtesy image.
There’s no one way to describe what resilience looks like and no-one is resilient all of the time. Below are some characteristics that we might expect to see in a student who is coping well or is resilient.
The Dynamics of Self-Esteem: A Growth-Curve Analysis - Journal of Youth and Adolescence
The Dynamics of Self-Esteem: A Growth-Curve Analysis | SpringerLink
Relokate – The travel and lifestyle blog of Kate Jordan
Midnight navy blue stars sky Brighter Day iphone background lock screen phone wallpaper
40 Truths to Nourish Your Mind — Sarah Steckler
#mindfulness #intention #mindfulmantras #selftruths #sacredselfcare #selflove #beingmindful #mindfulliving #simplicity
The Girl Declaration: making girls heard by the world
Let's hear it for the GIRLS! The Girl Declaration ensures that girls' voices are heard and their needs attended to, so that we can stop poverty before it starts. Read it, and visit The Girl Effect's website to show your support! #GirlDeclaration #IDG2013