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Don't Make These Common Raised Bed Garden Mistakes
Avoid the most common mistakes in raised bed gardening! Learn how to design and plan your raised vegetable garden, whether you're using DIY raised garden beds or raised planter boxes in your backyard. #RaisedBedGardening #VegetableGardenPlanning #BackyardVegetableGardens
How to grow a bay leaf tree
How to grow a bay leaf tree in any gardening zone. The bay laurel is an evergreen shrub that can live indoors in a container for many years. Here's how to care for it as a houseplant so it will provide lots of bay leaf for your recipes!
How to Grow Green Onions or Scallions
Green onions or scallions are easy to grow from seed, or from green onions bought at the grocery store. Let a few plants go to seed, and begin your Endless Green Onion Empire! Here's everything you need to know about growing green onions.