I Want To Do That

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How to make a homemade planner. Free printables.
How to turn an old bra into a bathing suit. A top that will actually fit and support!
The 52 Week Money Challenge – you game? #52weekmoneychallenge
Need to try this…52 week money challenge. After the 52 weeks you will have $1,378.00!
Scrap Happy: More Than 101 Fabric Scraps & Remnant Ideas
50 things to do with your Fabric Scraps.
The Best Homemade Exfoliating Scrub For Legs
Super Silky Summer Legs Next time you are feeling down, about to binge, going on a date, or just need to pamper yourself, do this. I just did it and I can not stop rubbing my legs together. It feels like I paid for that over expensive pedicure at the salon.
Wash an old mascara or nail polish container and fill with: 1/4 of the container with castor oil, 1/2 vitamin E oil, 1/4 aloe vera gel. Mix together as well as you can with your mascara wand, and apply a light layer to lashes every night before bed. Castor oil thickens your lashes while aloe vera gel lengthens. Vitamin E accelerates length. After one month, youll notice stronger, longer, more beautiful eyelashes.
Frost by Numbers: How to Make Frosting Colors
Amazing chart that shows you how to make any color frosting using a standard red, yellow and blue box of dye and home made or store bought frosting
Bronze Ornament Custom Family Disc With up to 5 Fingerprints - Etsy
I LOVE THIS!! Family Fingerprint Ornament: 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, cold water. Mix until has consistency of play dough. Bake at 250 for 2 hours, then cool and spray with metallic paint.