
How to Grow Garlic
How to plant garlic (one clove produces up to twenty more) - you can always have fresh garlic!
8 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About Fibromyalgia
8 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Fibromyalgia
41 Cheap And Easy Backyard DIYs You Must Do This Summer
Use an Ikea curtain system as an impromptu shade during the summer. | 41 Cheap And Easy Backyard DIYs You Must Do This Summer
5 Best Container Vegetables for Beginning Gardeners
Here are my 5 favorite container vegetables for beginning gardeners, plus container gardening tips and tricks for a great harvest.
5 Best Container Vegetables for Beginning Gardeners
5 Best container garden vegetables. Great idea can grow on deck away from our friendly deer.
Ten Mistakes New Herb Gardeners Make (and How to Avoid Them!)
Ten mistakes new herb gardeners make (and how to avoid them!) >> Pin now, read later.
Homemade Serenity
The next time you have green onions, don't throw away the white ends. Simply submerge them in a glass of water and place them in a sunny window. Your onions will begin to grow almost immediately and can be harvested almost indefinitely. We just use kitchen scissors to cut what we need for meals. I periodically empty out the water, rinse the roots off and give them fresh water.
Photo Storage
Work a bag of dry concrete mix into the soil where stone is to sit, lay stone, water it all in so it sets just like Jello only harder!"
DIY: Take a discarded window, repaint and attach a chain hanger. Place on the side of a garage or shed with no windows. Put a planter box with flowers underneath....beautiful and easy to do!!