
15 Pins
DIY-Bird-Nest-Gift-Box-2 http://www.womans-heaven.com/diy-and-crafts-image-12/
Folding 5 Pointed Origami Star Christmas Ornaments
5 pointed origami star Christmas ornaments - step by step instructions
Crafty Project: Junior High Love Note Folding
how to fold origami notes for valentines day like you did in junior high and middle school, at Assemble Shop
折纸 手工DIY 教程 衍纸 八角盒 Origami box, picture tutorial. Pretty
No Glue Treat & Favor Boxes
Printable Treat Box - I expanded it, then made a larger template of the shape, traced and cut from 12x12 bright card stock and made a larger treat box - held a mini pack of crayons, bubbles, hershey kisses and a mini coloring book. Turned out really well.
cute mushroom