Design - typographies
L U L A B E L L E: Six Lovely FREE fonts! What I Love: Morado sharp and Pea Hannah Vanilla
logotypes: emotional, sensual
logotypes: emotional, sensual by Peter Becker, via Behance
SANS SERIF Alternate Gothic | AT Sackers Gothic | Avenir Next | Brandon Grotesque | Bree | Futura | Gill Sans | Gotham | Gotham Condensed | Helvetica Neue | Intro Light | Letter Gothic | Me...
twelve more script fonts (these are free too) - Dinosaur Stew
☆ twelve more script fonts
Finders Keepers: 105 Best Free Fonts – Jamie Bartlett Design
Finders Keepers: 105 Best Free Fonts
The Psychology of fonts in Event Management
The Psychology of fonts in Event Management Infographic