Seats & tables * G2

29 Pins
My Classroom
I love the look of this coffee table with pillows! This would be perfect for a classroom that uses flexible seating options! I'm thinking about using it in my classroom library.
Before and After: Reading Corner
This reading corner is made with wooden pallets and bright cushions. What kid wouldn't love this comfy place to curl up with a book?!
185 Ideas for Classroom Organization 2014 and Beyond!
185 Ideas to Organize your Classroom NOW! {RoundUP at RainbowsWithinReach}
Where Learning is an Adventure!
Magic Tree House classroom reading corner. What student wouldn't want to hop into this tree house and read? MOTIVATOR!
How to Get Started With Flexible Seating
Flexible Seating Anchor Chart - Use this quote when you use alternate or flexible seating in the elementary classroom. Students in Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th grade will all be able to understand and respect this decision when the teacher goes through it effectively!
Just in Time
I love this idea! sometimes you just don't have the option of putting holes in the walls. Uses 3M Command Hooks
7 Pool Noodle Crafts
7 pool noodle DIY idea. Foot stool, but would make a great window seat wall cushion