Blue Collar Brothers

Inspirations from scenes from our upcoming new series Blue Collar Brothers! Be on the lookout 9.13.18 for Flirting with Fire. Who doesn't love a hot firefighter?
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safeparamedicblk Men's Value T-Shirt Feel Safe at Night Sleep with Dark T-Shirt | CafePress
So something My Fiance would say!!
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but lights and sirens excite me.
This item is unavailable | Etsy
EMS Tee, Funny EMS Shirt, 911, Emt, Medic, Ambulance, EMT Shirt, Paramedic Shirt, Gift for her, Gift for him, Birthday Present, Graphic Tee
EMT Men's Zip-Up Hoodie EMT/PARAMEDICS Zip Hoodie | CafePress
Not iv's but I sure can spike your bag, or cut ya off if you piss me off.
No Matches For clothing T-Shirts - CafePress
Unless my safety is endangered. Then I can wait until the police show up. :)
Nocturnal Medics T-shirts!!!
Click to see a larger version of the t-shirt
EMT Shirt - Staying Alive
Paramedics T Shirt - I can't fix stupid but I can sedate it paralyze it & intubate it
I can't fix stupid but I can sedate it paralyze it & intubate it Paramedics T-shirt