Pattern drafting

163 Pins
Моделирование элементов женской одежды. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
.tie neck top
Моделирование элементов женской одежды. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
.flutter sleeve top
Harriet Pepin on Pleats in Skirts - Women's Cutter and Tailor
Harriet Pepin on Pleats in Skirts - Women's Cutter and Tailor - The Cutter and Tailor
Pendrell Sew-Along #5: Princess-Seam FBA (Full Bust Adjustment) | Sewaholic
How to do a full Bust Adjustment for Princess seams, by Sewholic.
Color Block Tank Dress: a tutorial
If you have any interest in sewing, check out this girl's blog! She gives awesome tutorials for the cutest clothes!
How to Design and Sew a Slipcover, Part 1 – DIY Home Decor Tutorial
Tutorial – How To Design & Sew A Slipcover - this is an awesome tutorial!!!
Dart and seam variation for dresses - Women's Cutter and Tailor
Dart and seam variation for dresses - Women's Cutter and Tailor - The Cutter and Tailor
Diy hip-t
Instead of buying the $$$ Hip T (As Seen on TV product)--make your own!