Pizza dough

19 Pins
270K views · 4.2K reactions | How to Make The Fastest & Easiest Pizza Crust | You Can Cook That with Nicole | Allrecipes | pizza, dough | This is a great recipe when you don't want to wait for the dough to rise. Let Nicole show you how to make the fastest and easiest pizza crust! (via... | By MyRecipes | Facebook
270K views · 4.2K reactions | How to Make The Fastest & Easiest Pizza Crust | You Can Cook That with Nicole | Allrecipes | pizza, dough | This is a great recipe when you don't want to wait for the dough to rise. Let Nicole show you how to make the fastest and easiest pizza crust! (via... | By MyRecipes | Facebook
181 reactions | @alfskitchen_ If you’re buying your pizza sauce in a bottle or jar, please stop!! This is so cheap and ways to make and tastes incredible!! Follow @dailybettercooking for cooking content!! #cookingideas #cookinghacks #kitchenhacks #lifehacks #instadaily #explore | Delicious Food Content 😋
181 reactions | @alfskitchen_ If you’re buying your pizza sauce in a bottle or jar, please stop!! This is so cheap and ways to make and tastes incredible!! Follow @dailybettercooking for cooking content!! #cookingideas #cookinghacks #kitchenhacks #lifehacks #instadaily #explore | Delicious Food Content 😋
22K views · 9.5K reactions | Pita, (pão árabe/sírio no Brasil)🥖 recheado com carne moída! Esta receita fica simplesmente SENSACIONAL 🤤😋Bora lá?? 📝 🛒 Ingredientes (Para massa)🥖 600 g de farinha (5 xícaras) 200 ml de água morna (1 xícara) 200 ml de leite morno (1 xícara) 50 ml de óleo (5 colheres de sopa) 10 g de açúcar granulado (1 colher de sopa) 15 g de sal (1,5 colheres de chá) 10 g de fermento em pó (1 pacote) 1 gema de ovo, 1 colher de sopa de óleo, 1 colher de sopa de leite para espalhar por cima ✅ Recheio da borda: queijo cheddar ou qualquer outro da sua preferência na quantidade que seu coração mandar😉 ✅Preparo Pegue a farinha em uma tigela, abra ao meio em forma de piscina, acrescente a água, o leite, o fermento e o açúcar, espere 5 minutos, depois acrescente o sal nas bordas da farinha e sove após a massa estar recolhida. , acrescente o azeite e amasse até obter uma massa lisa. Cubra bem e fermente até dobrar de tamanho. Divida a massa fermentada em 8 pedaços iguais, coloque-os em pedaços, cubra-os e deixe descansar por mais 10. minutos para que possam abrir. ✅Recheio de carne picada para 8 pitas 400g de carne picada 1 cebola média 2 pimentões verdes 1 pimentão vermelho 1 tomate de tamanho médio Pimenta preta, sal, pimenta malagueta 4 colheres de sopa de óleo ✅Preparo: Primeiro refogue levemente a carne moída, depois acrescente os pimentões e as cebolas bem picados. Quando estiverem assados, acrescente os tomates descascados e cortados em cubos, cozinhe até a água evaporar, acrescente os temperos. ✅Abrindo a massa: Você deve estender a massa um pouco mais larga do que comprida, nem muito grossa nem muito fina. Coloque o cheddar ou o queijo nas bordas, feche, passe a gema, acrescente o recheio de carne e por último o queijo para gratinar. Pré-aqueça o forno em ventilação de 200 graus e leve ao forno na prateleira de baixo até dourar completamente. Bom apetite 😉 Créditos: chefburcinarda🥰 #Repost ➡️ @hortaporta ⬅️ #paoarabe #petisco #aperitivo #paorecheado #pao #friday #sextou #instafood #reelsfood #delicia #receitas #recipe #amocozinhar | Delicias da Lay | Alhanii · Love Story (Instrumental Slowed)
22K views · 9.5K reactions | Pita, (pão árabe/sírio no Brasil)🥖 recheado com carne moída! Esta receita fica simplesmente SENSACIONAL 🤤😋Bora lá?? 📝 🛒 Ingredientes (Para massa)🥖 600 g de farinha (5 xícaras) 200 ml de água morna (1 xícara) 200 ml de leite morno (1 xícara) 50 ml de óleo (5 colheres de sopa) 10 g de açúcar granulado (1 colher de sopa) 15 g de sal (1,5 colheres de chá) 10 g de fermento em pó (1 pacote) 1 gema de ovo, 1 colher de sopa de óleo, 1 colher de sopa de leite para espalhar por cima ✅ Recheio da borda: queijo cheddar ou qualquer outro da sua preferência na quantidade que seu coração mandar😉 ✅Preparo Pegue a farinha em uma tigela, abra ao meio em forma de piscina, acrescente a água, o leite, o fermento e o açúcar, espere 5 minutos, depois acrescente o sal nas bord
82K views · 17K reactions | Chris FINALLY Figured Out: "Easy Stretch" Pizza Dough | After decades of pizza dough failures, and many, many experiments—Chris can FINALLY claim to be right about pizza dough. This “Easy-Stretch” dough solves... | By Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street | Facebook
804K views · 8.7K reactions | Chris FINALLY Figured Out: "Easy Stretch" Pizza Dough | After decades of pizza dough failures, and many, many experiments—Chris can FINALLY claim to be right about pizza dough. This “Easy-Stretch” dough solves... | By Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street | Facebook
15K views · 2.6K reactions | BEST PIZZA DOUGH 🍕 In celebration of National Pizza Month, I’m throwing it back to my first published pizza dough recipe 🔥 By far my favorite! • Yield: 8 Fermented 9.5oz Dough Balls Total Time: 24-72hrs Pizza Style: Pizza Classica • INGREDIENTS: *measure water by weight, not volume 27oz (765g) room temp water 2tsp (6g) active dry yeast 45oz (1275g) bread flour 1/3c (78g) olive oil 4tsp (23g) salt 4tsp (16g) sugar or honey • MODIFIED TO 4 DOUGHS 14oz (396g) room temp water 1tsp (3g) active dry yeast 23oz (652g) bread flour 2.5Tbsp (35g) olive oil 2tsp (12g) salt 2tsp (8g) sugar or honey • Find the full recipe on my website at or comment “pizza” and I will DM the recipe to you! | Tom Judkins | The Backyard Palate | thebkydpalate · Original audio
15K views · 2.6K reactions | BEST PIZZA DOUGH 🍕 In celebration of National Pizza Month, I’m throwing it back to my first published pizza dough recipe 🔥 By far my favorite! • Yield: 8 Fermented 9.5oz Dough Balls Total Time: 24-72hrs Pizza Style: Pizza Classica • INGREDIENTS: *measure water by weight, not volume 27oz (765g) room temp water 2tsp (6g) active dry yeast 45oz (1275g) bread flour 1/3c (78g) olive oil 4tsp (23g) salt 4tsp (16g) sugar or honey • MODIFIED TO 4 DOUGHS 14oz (396g) room temp water 1tsp (3g) active dry yeast 23oz (652g) bread flour 2.5Tbsp (35g) olive oil 2tsp (12g) salt 2tsp (8g) sugar or honey • Find the full recipe on my website at or comment “pizza” and I will DM the recipe to you! | Tom Judkins | The Backyard Palate | thebkydpalate · Origina
Tom Judkins | The Backyard Palate on Instagram: "BEST PIZZA DOUGH🍕 Over 3 years deep into making pizza at home, I’ve fallen in love with the process and never crave to-go. With a little planning ahead, you can make the best homemade pizza of your life! • Yield: 8 Fermented 9.5oz Dough Balls Total Time: 24-72hrs Pizza Style: Pizza Classica • INGREDIENTS 27oz (765g) room temp water 2tsp active dry yeast 45oz (1275g) bread flour 1/3c olive oil 4tsp salt 4tsp sugar or honey • MODIFIED TO 4 DOUGHS 14oz room temp water 1tsp active dry yeast 23oz bread flour 2.5Tbsp olive oil 2tsp salt 2tsp sugar or honey • INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1: Add yeast to room temp water (if doing 8 doughs) or barely warm water (if doing 4 doughs- approx. 98°F) in a large bowl, and set aside. Get another large bowl and wei
55K views · 535 reactions | Follow @andyseastcoastkitchen_ for more fun and approachable recipes. • Donair sauce is as east coast as it gets. This sweet, sour, garlicky sauce is used for many east coast delicacies including The Donair, Garlic Fingers, and.. well thats really it. But it’s delicious and is so easy to make. • Comment “Recipe” on the Instagram post for the full recipe sent to you | Andy’s East Coast Kitchen | Isaintjames · Do Do Do
55K views · 535 reactions | Follow @andyseastcoastkitchen_ for more fun and approachable recipes. • Donair sauce is as east coast as it gets. This sweet, sour, garlicky sauce is used for many east coast delicacies including The Donair, Garlic Fingers, and.. well thats really it. But it’s delicious and is so easy to make. • Comment “Recipe” on the Instagram post for the full recipe sent to you | Andy’s East Coast Kitchen | Isaintjames · Do Do Do
382K views · 29K reactions | BEST SAME-DAY PIZZA DOUGH RECIPE 🍕🍕🍕 • Let’s be honest, most of the time when we crave pizza, we want it ASAP. Meet the quickest version of fermented pizza dough 🤝 • Ideas for when to make this: -Early in the morning for a pizza dinner -At night for the following morning breakfast or lunch • Yields: 4 medium pizza doughs Time: 6-12hrs • INGREDIENTS (60% hydration): 23oz (650g) bread flour or 00 flour 14oz (395g) room temperature water 2.5 Tbsp (35g) olive oil 1 Tbsp (21g) honey or sugar (12g) 2 tsp (6g) active dry yeast 2 tsp (12g) salt • INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Measure water by weight and add in yeast. Mix in and let sit for just a couple minutes and add in a couple scoops of flour and mix for 30 seconds. 2. Add olive oil and honey/sugar and the remainder of the flour. Mix for 1 minute. Finally, add in salt. Mix altogether for 3-4 minutes, or until dough is elastic and tacky (not too sticky, not too dry). 3. Weigh dough as a whole and divide that number by four. Use that number as the weight for each dough ball (should be between 9.5-10oz (270-283g)). You can use a small amount of flour when balling the dough. 4. Grease four containers with olive oil and place dough balls in. Place in the fridge for 6-12hrs. Remove from fridge for 15-20 minutes before stretching into pizza. • TIPS: -Use a generous mixture of cornmeal and flour (or semolina flour) to prevent dough stickiness. -Use room temperature toppings (and dough, which will naturally warm up as you stretch out) for the best end results. • FREEZING: Freeze after the 6-12 hour proofing period for up to 4 weeks. Allow to sit at room temp for 4hrs before stretching out. • CONVENTIONAL VS PIZZA OVEN: Versa 16: bake on high with a stone temp of 650-750°F for about 3.5 mins or until desired blistering. Conv oven: Set oven to 550°F with stone or baking steel. Make sure stone/steel reaches at least 530°F before launching pizza. Bake for 8-10 mins. • Give this a try and let me know if you have any questions! | Tom Judkins | The Backyard Palate | thebkydpalate · Original audio
382K views · 29K reactions | BEST SAME-DAY PIZZA DOUGH RECIPE 🍕🍕🍕 • Let’s be honest, most of the time when we crave pizza, we want it ASAP. Meet the quickest version of fermented pizza dough 🤝 • Ideas for when to make this: -Early in the morning for a pizza dinner -At night for the following morning breakfast or lunch • Yields: 4 medium pizza doughs Time: 6-12hrs • INGREDIENTS (60% hydration): 23oz (650g) bread flour or 00 flour 14oz (395g) room temperature water 2.5 Tbsp (35g) olive oil 1 Tbsp (21g) honey or sugar (12g) 2 tsp (6g) active dry yeast 2 tsp (12g) salt • INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Measure water by weight and add in yeast. Mix in and let sit for just a couple minutes and add in a couple scoops of flour and mix for 30 seconds. 2. Add olive oil and honey/sugar and the remainder of the
147K views · 1.6K reactions | Replying to @Maha 🍕Detailed written recipe is linked in my bio, but here are the basic measurements to accompany this tutorial 👇🏻 🍕 For the yeast mixture (mix the evening befo | Replying to @Maha 🍕Detailed written recipe is linked in my bio, but here are the basic measurements to accompany this tutorial 👇🏻 🍕 For the yeast... | By Lacebakes_ | I got in really big trouble when I shared the tutorial for this marinated tomato and burrata pizza without sharing the pizza dough recipe. So, let's make some pizza dough. The night before you plan to mix your dough, mix together one/ 4 of a teaspoon of instant yeast, 100 grams of bread flour and 100 grams of water. Stir this until there are no more lumps of flour in the mixture and until it's smooth and then, cover it up and leave it at room temperature overnight. It will grow in size and develop bubbles like this. Add that to your mix with 290 grams of water, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of olive oil and mix. Then you're going to add in 450 grams of bread flour. 50 grams of whole meal or whole wheat flour. A quarter teaspoon of instant yeast and 10 grams of salt. And then mix this with your hand or in a stand mixer. If you're doing it by hand it may feel a little bit dry. Keep going. Don't add more water. Scrape the sides down with a dough scraper if you can. If it sticks to hand, dip your hand in water and then kind of squeeze the dough off just like that. Cover it up for about 45 minutes, wet your hand and then do a series of stretching folds. This is where you pull the dough up and over itself. You want to create a tight ball. This helps build structure in the dough. You'll need to do this about three times over a period of about three to four hours before putting the dough into the fridge. I tend to space my stretching folds about 45 minutes apart from one another. This is the last stretching fold that I performed on this particular batch of dough. You can see that the dough is a lot more aerated now. It's a lot stretchier. It feels more like the pizza dough should feel. I like to smooth it into a rough looking bowl before I put it into a lidded container and put it into the fridge overnight. If you don't have a lided bowl, then you can use Tupperware or you can use a shower cap or plastic wrap on top of the bowl. Flour is surface and remove the dough from the bowl carefully trying not to disturb too many of the bubbles in the dough. Then what I do is portion it out into four portions. So this is a kilogram or 2. 2 pounds of dough. I portion my pizza dough balls into 2and50 gram or 9 ounce balls. I like to weigh it on the scale just to be precise. Then I pre-shape the dough balls. So this involves sort of pulling each side of the bowl in on it flipping it over and then I use my hands to create tension in the ball and to sort of seal it at the seam at the bottom. Then I pick up the dough ball and kind of squeeze the bottom just to make sure it's completely tight and then repeat this process with the rest of the dough balls. You can also use a bench scraper to shape them. Then you're going to flour a pan with flour and semolina. You can just use flour that's fine if you don't have semolina and then coat the dough balls liberally in that mixture. Once they're all coated, just add a little bit more flour and then, you can cover it with a tea towel. You can also cover it with plastic wrap or you can cover it with a tray that's the same size. Let it proof for about three to 4 hours. It should be puffy, stretchy, a lot softer than it was before. Then, put on a flowered surface, flip it over, press it out to kind of create a steering wheel shape, pick it up and stretch and kind of turn. Stretch and turn like you would do a steering wheel. I do this until it feels like it's getting a little bit thinner but not as thin as I need it completely. I rest it on the board and then I go in with my knuckles, both hands and I kind of gently stretch it out just to get that middle base a little bit thinner. Then, I pick it up and put it into a lightly oiled frying pan over a medium high heat. Put the toppings on while the bottom of the dough is crisping up. Once the base is crispy and brown, I put it into the oven on one of the upper racks under the broiler or grill for just a few minutes. Make sure it doesn't burn. This is such a great way of cooking your pizza at home. It always gives a really crispy crust. If you don't have a pizza oven, this is definitely the way I recommend to cook a pizza at home. Check out the caption for more info.
147K views · 1.6K reactions | Replying to @Maha 🍕Detailed written recipe is linked in my bio, but here are the basic measurements to accompany this tutorial 👇🏻 🍕 For the yeast mixture (mix the evening befo | Replying to @Maha 🍕Detailed written recipe is linked in my bio, but here are the basic measurements to accompany this tutorial 👇🏻 🍕 For the yeast... | By Lacebakes_ | I got in really big trouble when I shared the tutorial for this marinated tomato and burrata pizza without sharing the pizza dough recipe. So, let's make some pizza dough. The night before you plan to mix your dough, mix together one/ 4 of a teaspoon of instant yeast, 100 grams of bread flour and 100 grams of water. Stir this until there are no more lumps of flour in the mixture and until it's smooth and then, c