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My Monster~An Informative Writing Project & Craftivity: This project is fun and engaging for students at any time of the school year, especially around HALLOWEEN time. Differentiated for grades 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th.
Figurative Sculpture
Shadows! Super cool art. The kids make the figures and trace the shadow when it's held in front of a strong light.
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Story & book creator apps that students can use to meet the Common Core Writing Standards
DIY Woven Pom-pom Rope Rug
DIY Woven Pom-pom Rope Rug | Red Lipstick + French Toast
Papier-Mâché Globe at Lakeshore Learning
Paper mache globe project With printable Continent Outlines Template that you can color yourself.
We're Off to a GREAT Start!
Team-building game for the first day of school. One rubber band with 4-5 strings attached then as a team they must stack the cups.
@Sue Goldberg Goldberg Goldberg Goldberg Goldberg Kapovich capitalizing, not sure how you do capitalizing with your first graders but I saw this and had to share!
Time to Reorganize: Tips From Two Teachers - Learning Lab Resources
Time to Reorganize: Tips From Two Teachers -- Come get inspired to reorganize your space! I LOVE the binder covers!!!