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Canadian Coast guard crushing ice in Lake Huron for the start of the shipping season
Pictures: Beautiful Photos from Around the World | Expedia
Nature's Window Kalbarri, Kalbarri National Park, Australia — by Kostas Brejaart. You can find Kalbarri National Park just off the West Coast of Australia but when you're deep in the park you might...
Canadian Coast Guard –
Canadian Coast Guard –
Harper government cutting more than $100 million related to protection of water
Photo arctic coast guard - Stephen Harper's government is cutting more than $100 million in funding from the federal department in charge of protecting Canada's water and oceans. As tar sands production increases and more oil is shipped over bodies of water, there is a need for more funding to watch, protect and research Canadian waterways.
The Canadian Coast Guard Ship The Sir Wilfred Grenfell approaching Harbour Side Park, St. John's.