97 Pins
Reading Graffiti Wall: Fostering a Classroom Reading Community - Molly Maloy
Fostering a classroom reading community with a student driven Reading Graffiti Wall
A Better Way to Use Punch Cards in the Classroom
Check out this classroom management hack to make Emoji STICKER punch cards for incentives and positive reinforcement in the classroom.
7 Apps for Kids Learning to Read that are Actually Free!
Apps for kids who are learning to read that are actually free. If you are teaching your child to read, you should check these out! #AmznUnderground #ad
Best Apps For Autism: 9 Apps For Special Needs Kids to Download Today
Looking for the best apps for autism? Whether you’re specifically looking for an inexpensive speech generating device (AAC) for non-verbal children or need an app to create Social Stories for special needs kids, or you simply need special education options to support children with ASD both at home or in the classroom, check out 9 of our favorites. We even threw in a couple of free apps to download today! #autism #nonverebalautism #ASD #autismapps
Project Fair - Science Fair, Biographies, Book Covers, & Poetry Books
Would love to hang this in my classroom to help students realize we support all types of learners!
Assistive technology for writing
Chrome has several tools that can help kids who struggle with writing. Take a look at these seven apps and extensions. (Extensions add functions to the Chrome browser.) These tools can be used on Chromebooks or on any device with a Chrome browser.
16 Great iPad Apps for Students with Special Needs (Infographic) (Educational Technology and Mobile Learning)
Mobile Applications This pin is from a blog about technology in education. This particular blog post suggests the 16 apps in the image but doesn't give any information about the apps. Other posts on the blog provide more recommendations for technology use in the classroom. These apps, once checked, could be helpful for students with special needs.
Assistive Technology for Kids Who Struggle With Handwriting - The Inspired Treehouse
Assistive Technology for Kids Who Struggle With Handwriting - The Inspired Treehouse
Social Skills Apps for Kids
6) Child with visual impairments- Assistive technology in combination with classroom accommodations and instructional modifications used. 7) For learning disabilities child apply intervention practices like direct instructions, break learning into small steps. 8) Scaffolding has real difference. Explicit instruction; slowly begin to let the child acquire the skill, used for a student with learning disability.
Blog doesn't exist
Utilize the iPad backgrounds and lock screens on students iPads for collaborative groups, to review expectations, and more. 5 ways to use this key real estate in your classroom iPad management plan.
Special Education Accommodations
Special education accommodations for math, reading, writing, organization, homework, and tests