Dissertation Motivation!

Our Fabulous Local Libraries!
Yes! Your local library is the perfect place to work on your dissertation!
Albert said it best...
“Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.” Albert said it best. We can surprise ourselves by taking chances with our ideas, delving into new lines of thought, and approaching our writing in a way that is less censored and constrained. How can you play with your imagination....and your dissertation today? #einsteinquotes #phdmotivation #phdmotivational #dissertationlife #dissertationproblems #doctoralstudent #dissertationlife #dissertationhelp #dissertationdone
Indulge in a Power Nap!
The benefits of a 20 minute power nap can be amazing, especially at the end of a busy week. Wake up refreshed and ready to tackle writing that next dissertation section. Ask Rosie! #dissertationwriting #graduateschool #gradstudent #phdlife #dissertationhelp #DoctoralDegree #dogsofinstagram #dogslife
What's your gift?
What's your gift and how can you give it away? Often, our gift shows up in what we find intrinsically fascinating - in a foundational ability that may be so innate that we fail to give it credence. #gradstudent #doctoraldegree #dissertationwriting #phdlife #dissertationhelp #PhD #dissertationhelp #graduateschool
Dissertation Coaching Services | PhD Coaching | PhD Support
Writing a dissertation is an incremental process. It happens paragraph by paragraph, section by section. This morning, one of my clients was discouraged with his progress this week. I reminded him of how far he has come this month - another chapter completed! Give yourself credit for showing up and moving forward, even when your progress is slower than you would like. #phdlife #gradstudent #doctoraldegree #dissertationwriting #PhDone #phdjourney #dissertationhelp #dissertation
Your dissertation is a garden!
Think of your dissertation project as a garden you're nurturing every day in anticipation of a bountiful future! #phdlife #PhDone #dissertationlife #dissertationwriting #dissertationhelp #inspirationalquotes #doctoralstudent #doctoralcandidate #doctoraldegree
You can do this!
Like most grad students, you likely find yourself at times doubting whether you can finish your dissertation. Remind yourself of all that you've accomplished in academia (and other parts of your life) to get to this point. Focus on the fact that this is one project - out of many - that you have completed so far. You can do this! #dissertationproblems #dissertationlife #phdjourney #dissertationwriting #dissertationhelp #PhD
Get Your Dissertation Done!
One of the key issues my clients face is perfectionism. They believe that their dissertation needs to be utterly perfect to make the grade. In reality, no research study is perfect and your dissertation is no exception. The goal is to get it done...which means aiming for "solid" rather than perfect. You've got this! #DoctorateOfEducation #phdjourney #dissertationresearch #dissertationlife #dissertationlife #PhD #motivationalquotes
What small step can you take today on your dissertation?
It all adds up! To reduce overwhelm, just focus on one small step you can take today to move your dissertation forward.
Dissertation Complete Coaching
Be your loudest cheerleader. Try a little self-love. You’re in the process of becoming, just like your dissertation project. Just keep moving in the right direction, one small step forward at a time. You’re doing great things!
Dissertation Complete Coaching
When writing your own "good book" (your academic dissertation) it can be challenging to silence your constant internal critic. You may find yourself editing and censoring before you even start writing, which blocks flow and inhibits progress. Try to be a little less cautious...let yourself get that draft going. You can edit and refine later.
Dissertation Complete Coaching
"If you believe in what you're doing you'll be successful" - Connie Sellecca We often measure our own success through rigid parameters. Sometimes we need to take a step back and gather the ways we're succeeding across the other parts of our lives.
Dissertation Complete Coaching
Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao Tzu At times, it seems like your dissertation is not progressing at the rate you would like. Obstacles come up, motivation lags, movement is slow. Remind yourself that this is part of the process and that it will get done. Stay the course and keep moving forward. Your project will bloom!
Dissertation Coaching Services | PhD Coaching | PhD Support
Many graduate students become immobilized by the fear of not knowing “enough”. You don’t need to have all the answers to finish your dissertation. You just need to understand what is relevant and meaningful to your particular study.
Dissertation Coaching Services | PhD Coaching | PhD Support
Another dissertation success story! I love my work and my clients! #phd #phdlife #doctorate #doctoratestudent #dissertation