Quotes and Typography

Interior design quotes, inspirational quotes, home decor quotes and quotes about design. Modern, editorial typography and graphic design quotes.
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CARMEN JAVIER CO. on Instagram: “I have yet to find a natural material that doesn’t age gracefully, and patina beautifully over time. Mother Nature, she is timeless. ✌🏼…”
Interior Design Quotes
Beautiful, but is it useful? Aesthetic design is great, but it needs to function — especially if it’s in your own home. Trust me when I say there’s nothing worse than a table that felt too precious to eat on, bedroom curtains that don’t block the light when you sleep, a rug that sheds like a bitch.... the list goes on 😂 Even down to the details of your sofa to coffee table height ratio—there’s so much science and math involved in every design decision I make with my clients.
Interior Design Quotes
Beautiful, but is it useful? Aesthetic design is great, but it needs to function — especially if it’s in your own home. Trust me when I say there’s nothing worse than a table that felt too precious to eat on, bedroom curtains that don’t block the light when you sleep, a rug that sheds like a bitch.... the list goes on 😂 Even down to the details of your sofa to coffee table height ratio—there’s so much science and math involved in every design decision I make with my clients.
Interior Design Quotes
Coco Chanel said it best.
Brand Photography
Monday’s, am I right? 🖤 What’s up this week: new Toronto e-design client (yay ☺), furniture arriving in our Lions Bay project (finally!), and initial office concepts for the Olympic village townhouse. (Okay, so maybe I am pretty excited to dive in to this Monday!) 📷: @shecantwrite @loveciararose
Athena Calderone Quote
RESTRAINT and PATIENCE. Something I’m constantly challenging myself to put into practice during my sourcing journey. #interiordesignquotes #eyeswoon #homedecorquotes
CARMEN JAVIER CO. on Instagram: “Coco Chanel said it best.” #interiordesignquotes #interiordesign #homequotes
Emotional Distancing: Separating Myself From Who I Used to Be — zauni tanil