Saying, Quotes, & LOLs

350 Pins
If a person always leaves you with mixed feelings, uncertainty and an unsettled mind, you don't need to place your energy there.
18 More Of The Very Best Rotten E-Cards From The Last Months. Hard Thruths Served With A Heavy Dose Of Bitterness And Sarcasm... [18 Photos]
Beer And Stupidity: 18 More Of The Very Best Rotten E-Cards From The Last Months. Hard Thruths Served With A Heavy Dose Of Bitterness And Sarcasm...
Today vines compilation 01-20-2014 Best Vines compilation
Power of Forgiveness
From best friends to enemy's to friends but never again best friends, because I no the real u
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
Sony Crystal - Google+ I believe with all my heart that the book Men Who Hate Women & The Women Who Love Them by Susan Forward, is the best book in the world for helping all abused women, to understand what is happening to them in an abusive relationship, and what to do about it. This book is the best kind of help you could give someone you know is being abused.
25 Adorable Photos That Prove Why Babies Need Pets
25 Adorable Photos That Prove Why Babies Need Pets
Don't be afraid of being outnumbered. Eagles fly alone. Pigeons flock together.