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Des bacs sensoriels avec une thématique pour favoriser l'exploration et la découverte
22 Pins
Simplifying Sensory Play
Simplifying #Sensory Play ~ the collection, the storage and more from @{1plus1plus1} Carisa #totschool #preschool
Apple Orchard Sensory Bin
Apple Orchard Sensory Bin via I Heart Crafty Things. The apple trees also act as a prop to act out the story "Ten Red Apples" by Pat Hutchins.
30+ Apple Sensory Tubs (Sensory Bins)
30+ Apple Sensory Tubs | Living Montessori Now!
Apple Cinnamon Sensory Bin
Apple Cinnamon Sensory Bin - Great for Pre-K Complete Preschool Curriculum's Apple theme and Fall theme. Pre-K Complete Preschool Curriculum uses Sensory Stations daily. Repinned by Pre-K Complete - follow our blog, FB, Twitter, and Google Plus.
Baby Oil Sensory Bags
The How Tos Just take a ziplock bag and fill it with a bunch of baby oil. Then, add some drops of food coloring. Lastly, add a bit of water
* Preschool At Home: Apple Themed Sensory Box
Preschool At Home: Apple Themed Sensory Box. This mom is an art teacher and has lots of neat sensory bin ideas.
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What to Use in Your Sensory Table | Over 50 Ideas for Sensory Play from Tutus & Tea Parties
A Collection of Sensory Table Ideas
Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds: A Collection of Sensory Table Ideas. Great for fours and fives too!
Rainbow Chickpeas {How to Dye Dried Chickpeas for Sensory Play}
Rainbow chickpeas: how to dye dried chickpeas (garbanzo beans) for sensory play for kids from And Next Comes L
How to Dye Sensory Materials (So You Can Make Epic Rainbow Sensory Bins for Kids!)
Rainbow sensory play guide: how to dye sensory bin fillers from oats to rice to salt from And Next Comes L
A Collection of Sensory Table Ideas
Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds: A Collection of Sensory Table Ideas. Great for fours and fives too!
A Collection of Sensory Table Ideas
Find the letters in soapy water~ Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds: A Collection of Sensory Table Ideas