Res Life Stuff

How To Live With Intent (Even If You're Super Busy & Stressed Out)
How To Live With Intent (Even If You're Super Busy & Stressed Out) -
15 Things Mindful People Do Differently
15 concrete ways to be more mindful in your everyday life! | Fit Bottomed Girls
Mindfulness Techniques to Reduce Stress
Taking a few moments everyday to reflect can reduce stress and increase quality of life! Here are 5 mindfulness tips to reduce anxiety and improve health. #mindfulness #metime #health
envelope - heart
These are so clever, especially for the kids to do for their friends and family. You could put a photo in the middle. Love it!
Dad Just For The Record|Father's Day Card|DO1055
Dad Just For The Record|Father's Day Card Dad Just For The Record. I think You're Great. A brilliant visual pun card for your amazing dad this father's day.
Simple DIY Home Cards - Pebbles, Inc.
Create beautiful cards made by @thehappyscrps with the #DIYHome Collection from @pebblesinc.