
16 Pins
Jillian's No-Equipment Workout (16 minutes). Do as many reps as you can in one minute.
Baked apple chips perfect fall snack
After a Day of Sitting, Do This Yoga Sequence to Ease Tight Muscles
Best Yoga Poses For Office Workers -- or anyone who stands/sits for long periods of time without switching it up.
Private Site
Lazy fitness. I think this is my greatest Pinterest find ever.
Use Asana to Help Recover from a Cold
yoga poses to help with cold & flu symptoms - Keep this in mind with the cold & flu season coming up!
I Made TikTok's Viral Salmon Rice Bowl, and Here's How It Tasted
Frozen banana and peanut butter bites. Quick energy post-workout.
No-Fry Fries
Gwyneth Paltrow's No-Fry Fries, just cut up your potatoes and place them in a bowl of cold water, then dry them off and toss them with olive oil, place them on a cookie sheet and sprinkle with sea salt, then bake at 450 for about 25 minutes, turning occasionally.
5 Backward Bend Poses
5 yoga poses to help decompress and strengthen your spine
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10 best exercises for 6 pack abs (just did the 1st one at work before looking at the rest and already decided to repin haha)