
1,417 Pins
Pinner said: "Everyone who owns a gas stove, pin this!! It works! Mine were absolutely disgusting and I tried everything to clean them. It was so gross how much came off! Definitely the best stove grate cleaner ever."
Pins - Happy Wives Club
The smile on my face doesn't mean my life is perfect. It means I appreciate what I have and what God has blessed me with. #Quote #Inspirational
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Soaking feet in vinegar (apple cider being best) for the softest feet ever!!! Its also a great remedy for many problems like toenail fungus, dry feet, tired feet, etc. ..here are some vinegar foot soaks that will help feet be soft
The Sensational Scent of Prayer
What does prayer smell like? One year of Bible study. One summer of Bible teaching. One ebook: “The Sensational Scent of Prayer.” Each step brought the familiar sights and sounds closer. The annual trek to the tabernacle was one dreaded by Hannah. The trip only meant more of the teasing and taunting; when would it ever end?
Beef with Mushrooms and Pearl Onions in Red Wine Reduction Recipe
Beef with Mushrooms and Pearl Onions in Red Wine Reduction