
23 Pins
Amazing Weaving Tip by Monica @mochablue.fiberart
Happy Friday! Here’s an amazing weaving tip by Monica @mochablue.fiberart 🪡 Follow along and learn how to turn the twinning row around at the edges to create your next row and create a “braid” look ✨ #ganxxet #ganxxetcords #macrame #weaving #knitting #crochet #macraweave #macramesupplies #macramesupplier #recycledcords #sustainable #recycled #handmade #craft #sustainableart #fiberart #weavingtips #weavingbasics
Pampa Loom US
Pampa Loom US – Pampa Loom VESTO and QUADRO sales and support in the US
Rugs Made in USA
At Auda Sinda, we have years of experience working directly with designers and homeowners on custom projects. Often starting with a favorite pattern, we develop new color options and offer design recommendations to create the perfect rug. We can also develop custom patterns and more complex solutions, for example weaving L shapes for stair landings and seaming on borders with mitered corners. Please contact us to discuss the details of your project.
Tissage haute lisse Chaumière Oiseau X Eve Lippa
Tapisserie réalisée par Chaumière Oiseau d'après une gouache de l'illustratrice Eve Lippa www.chaumiere-oiseau.fr
Cuando realmente te gusta lo que haces❤️, esto se convierte en una meditación donde impera la creatividad #pintarconlana #telar #urdimbre #altolizo #trama #tejer #tapiz #tapestry #tapices #hechoamano #handmade
Продолжаю влюблять вас в ткачество. Все инструменты и уроки для ваших идеальных первых полотен у меня на сайте. tkatskaya.ru #ткачество #рукоделие #ручноеткачество #гобелен #weaving #современноеткачество #килим #loom #современныйарт #искусствовинтерьере