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These therapeutic bath salts would make a great gift! How to Make Therapeutic Bath Salts - Modern Hippie Housewife
MAGIC Decal Tutorial with Free Printables
It's so much easier this way and I don't have to worry about nit-picking my own handwriting! I love it!
the giving plate {another diy sharpie project}
“This plate shall have no owner for its journey never ends, It travels in a circle of our family and friends. It carries love from home to home for everyone to share, The food that’s placed upon it was made with love and care. So please enjoy what’s on the plate, Then fill it up again, Then pass along the love it holds to your family and friends.” I love this idea!
Homemade Vick's Vapo Rub Shower Gel - My Frugal Adventures
Homemade Vapo Rub shower gel- very easy and inexpensive to make and perfect for cold and flu season! This is perfect for both children or adults.
Homemade Vapor Rub
Homemade Vapor Rub. So easy, I can't believe I used to buy this! 100% natural, just a few basic ingredients.
How to Unclog a Drain with Natural Products
How to Unclog a Drain with Natural Products
THIS WORKS!! WE USE IT ALL THE TIME!!! SAVES US $$$ ON WEED KILLER AT HOME DEPOT!!!!! Natural Weed Killer 1 gallon vinegar, 1/2 cup salt, dash of dish washing detergent (makes it stick to the weeds). Mix well, spray on weeds in the morning, rejoice in their death that evening. This works best on a sunny day.
Home - Clean Mama
Super simple and effective method to get those stains out! Step by Step Carpet Stain Removal via Clean Mama
DIY Facial Mask for Gorgeous, Decongested Skin! The amazing Aspirin Mask!
Need to start getting crafty! Would live to make this for CrossFit!
Here's how to keep sliced apples from turning brown after you've cut into them:
Here's how to keep sliced apples from turning brown after you've cut into them: | 14 Fruit Hacks That Will Make Your Life More Delicious