
35 Pins
Smoking is the cause of numerous diseases and eliminates about four hundred and forty 2 thousand people every year in the United States.
Blow Up Your Kids Portraits for BIG Impact Art
Blow Up Your Kids Portraits for BIG Impact Art | ericashawandcompany
classroom organization...This is perfect for having community school supplies. I highly recommend this in the elementary classrooms
How To Teach Your Toddler The Gospel: 5 Theological Truths to Teach Your Little One - Steadfast Family
Wondering how to teach your toddler the gospel? Read on for five truths to get you started! The other night, as I was getting my (just turned) three year old in bed, he said something that made me stop and think. He said something to the extent of: “now that I’m three I’m going to …
Your Kids Will Listen if You do THIS
Kids not listening? Your kids will listen if you use these powerful strategies. Great positive parenting strategies for parents with young kids, toddlers, and preschoolers.
Country Charm
Toddler/Preschool Discipline System - Great for children to see pictures during the years they can not read. This lets the children see where they are during the day and where they SHOULD be.
Registered at Namecheap.com
A chore chart just for you - AlmostSexyMommy.com A chore chart for young kids with ADHD, ADD, Aspergers, etc.:
31 days of Loving Where You Live: Day 22, Young Boys Room
31 days of Loving Where You Live: Day 22, Young Boys Room - Organize and Decorate Everything