Science fair

17 Pins
5 Engineering Challenges for Kids (Cups, Craft Sticks, and Cubes!) - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls
Turn Milk into Plastic! - How Wee Learn
Mezcla leche mas vinagre y obtendras una masa muy parecida al plastico que tus peques podrán moldear y decorar.
Turn Milk into Plastic! - How Wee Learn
Turn milk into plastic with vinegar! Such a cool science experiment for kids, preschoolers and adults too
12 Great Ideas for Engineers Week | Science Buddies Blog
Hosting an Engineering Week at your school? Try these fun activities for students of all ages.
Science Kits & Science Toys | Steve Spangler Science
This is my FAVORITE experiment to do with kids! (homeschool, science, science projects, science experiments, kids activities)
Exceptional and very rare Oregon opal with visual effect of being underwater when held to light.obtained at Opal Butte Mine. Oregon, USA Visit Amazing Geologist for more.
These DIY Calm-Down Jars Will Have Your Students Mesmerized
Make these calm-down jars while also learning about the mixing of colors. The secrets to making these is the oil-based food coloring. Get tips on how to turn this project into a science lesson and where to get the food coloring, by following the story link!
STEM Activity: Holiday Light Circuits | NGS Magnified
Light Circuits: Depending on the grade level of the students, you can have them build a very simple circuit or a very complex circuit with both series and parallel circuits combined. For my students I have them use file folders in order to design and buil