Gardening - Shrubs

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Pygmy Ruby™ Barberry
Pygmy Ruby Barberry Shrub. Easy Care. Full Sun. Slow growing. 1 1/2' H x 3' W. Dramatic fall foliage. Possibly plant around shed below trellis for backdrop appearance purposes?
Loropetalum Purple Prince- The color on this shrub can add nice contrast against light colors.
Absolute Landscaping
Purple Diamond Loropetalum is ideal as a hedge or an accent in garden beds. Its purple foliage adds color year round, and pink flowers bloom in Spring.
Flowering Elderberry (sambucus nigra)
Flowering Elderberry (sambucus nigra) | Dennis' 7 Dees
Spiraea betulifolia 'Thor' (Thor or Tor Spirea) | My Everchanging Garden
Spiraea betulifolia ‘Tor' (Tor Spirea). This shrub maintains a great shape with minimal to no pruning, has attractive foliage and blooms and provides seasonal interest in fall when the leaves turn burgundy-orange.
Mandarin Lights Azalea
Monrovia's Mandarin Lights Azalea Azalea x 'Mandarin Lights' (Northern Lights Hybrid) Extremely hardy selection which provides a massive display of bright, mandarin orange blooms before the foliage emerges. Small mounding form is excellent for massing in shrub borders. Deciduous.
In Bloom: Now's the Time to Buy these Weigela
Coco Krunch® Weigela is new and exclusive from Monrovia. This compact, colorful shrub offers dark ruby-red foliage and exceptional hardiness. Loads of soft-red flowers are displayed on a neat, mounded form, spring to summer. Up to 3 ft. tall and wide. Full sun. Zone: 4 – 8
Weeping Caragana - Caragana arborescens 'Pendula'
Weeping Caragana - Caragana arborescens 'Pendula' zone 3 h:5' w:3-5'
Bluestem Gardening
Dwarf Arctic Willow. Zone 3, h:3-4' w:4-5' full sun. Small upright rounded shrub with purple coloured stems in winter. Fine textured narrow grey-green foliage in summer turns yellow in fall. Nice hedge, specimen for the border or in Mass Planting to stabilize moist banks. Prefers very moist soil.
Sparkler® Arrowwood Viburnum
Blue Muffin® Arrowwood Viburnum - NOT available! Reaches 5 to 7 ft. tall and wide; white flower, blue fruit in fall; zones 3-8