
18 Pins
Turbulence in a Star Forming Region The nebula’s sparkling centerpiece is a giant, young star cluster named NGC 2070, only 2 million years old. Its stellar inhabitants number roughly 500,000....
Waterfalls & Grottos Give This Oklahoma Pool Multiple Entertainment Areas - Fami - Rustic - Pool - Oklahoma City - by CAVINESS LANDSCAPE DESIGN, INC. | Houzz
Pool with waterfalls, I could handle this...( it's gonna be 107* today where I live: GET IN THE WATER!!)
Milky Way Photography Tips including detailed processing hints & guideline
Surfing the Milky Way! Hawaii
Netvibes Decision-Making Dashboards
Bode’s Galaxy - M81/NGC 3031 Credit: Cheman
Comet C/2013 R1 Lovejoy
Comet C/2013 R1 Lovejoy Taken by Gerald Rhemann on December 13, 2013 @ Jauerling, Lower Austria
Soul Nebula is emission nebulae in Cassiopeia. Several small open clusters are embedded in the nebula: CR 34, 632, 634 (in the head) IC1848 (in the body)