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I used an old Kleenex box and covered it with duck tape. You can use whatever for the counting. I used cotton balls (20) and then when a student is starting to throw a fit or having a hard time following directions you have them dump out the 20 items and count them as they put it back in box until they calm down!!
The Grouchies is an app created by the American Psychological Association and it is free. It is a cute storybook format for children with funny rhymes and a chant that helps kids learn how to turn around grouchy moods.
The Settle Down Jar: tell child that they need a break and may come back when everything has settled to the bottom.
Quiet Critters - when you decide it's important for students to be quiet, pass out the quiet critters. Take them away from students who talk. At the end of the activity anyone who still has a quiet critter gets a prize, point, whatever you use. cute!
Paint Paddles Turned Bible Facts Review Sticks!!!
Use paint sticks and velcro to make an activity of putting things in order; could also use for an individual schedule for kids with autism-- very portable! My son uses one of these and works perfect for him!!
Anger Choice Cards for the Classroom
Free! anger choice cards for the classroom - what to do when you're mad - anger management for kids
I Can Calm
I Can Calm site--video shows 6 different relaxation breathing techniques
7 Visualization Tools for Releasing Worry
7 Visualization Tools for Releasing Worry
Learning to Keep your Cool: Anger Inoculation
Staying Calm under Pressure: Anger Management technique with lots of free printables
How to Teach Flexibility Using a Pipe Cleaner | Connected Families
Use this fun illustration to teach kids to be flexible instead of rigid! Similar to rock versus playdough thinking.