keeping fit!

64 Pins
The Easiest Slim-Down Ever
10 workouts to do at home for the whole body - these are actually awesome! takes 14 minutes, 3x a week...
Busted: Mainstream Nutrition Myths
Do you wanna lose some weight or just to learn a new food recipe?Check from where i took my food recipes!
Tone Your Entire Body in 5 Minutes — Anywhere!
Tone your entire body in 5 minutes
Turn On, Tune In, Tone Up!
The lazy girl workout, timed for a 30 min tv show with commercials. This is ridiculous and possibly perfect.
A One-and-Done Workout: Burn Calories and Build Strength
This quick 20-minute workout will get your heart rate up and build some muscle — a metabolism boosting win win!
Delicious Real Food Recipes | Healthy Seasonal Recipes
Healthy turkey chili recipe with loads of fresh vegetables, lean meat and by all means beans!
Flatten your belly, slim your thighs, and firm your butt in 2 weeks-- without a single sit-up or squat. These five ballet-inspired moves use one piece of equipment you're sure to have in your home--a wall to gently increase your flexibility and range of motion. The result: You'll isolate the tough to reach muscles that pull in your belly, lift your backside, and trim your thighs..
Why It's Time to Start Loving Chia Seeds
This is cool - Chia seeds blow up in your stomach so you don't eat as much- throw a few in whatever your cooking. Plus, they're good for soaking up excess alcohol after a night of drinking = no hangover!