
61 Pins
My Lil Bargello ( free pattern )
Even though this is for a quilt I think some talented people out there can convert it to crochet afghan. LiL' Becks Corner: My Lil Bargello ( free pattern )
A Little Bit of a Little Border
Aside from playing around with EQ, this is what I’ve been working on. I need 4 long strips like this for one of the pieced borders for Scrappy Star. At this point, it seems like an endless bi…
First Row: Harlequin Note that the row comes out much longer than the pattern says it will. I'm leaving mine long for now and also not adding the bottom spacer strip until I get more rows done - then I'll trim them all to the same size and proceed from there. It may make the quilt wider than the pattern suggests and that would be a good thing at our house!
Quilts Borders Patterns – Free Quilt Patterns
Quilt Soup :: Quilt Patterns :: Hand Made Quilts and Home
Links Block
Links Block--Bet this could be adapted to a neat border.
Borders. This website shows a variety of borders, with instructions. You'll never have to settle for plain borders again!
Another Links Border
Another Links border
Wrong turn! The Quilters Corner LLC
Two Fabric Bargello Gelato Wall Hanging Quilt Kit
Seminole Patchwork Patterns – FREE  PATTERNS
Suzanne will share her technique of constructing patchwork strips which are then applied directly onto batting pieces (cut using vest pattern). Description from fiberotto.com. I searched for this on bing.com/images