Water Series: Darrien

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Uprooted is a YA novel written by Nicole Ford Thomas, in which four teenagers must tap into the magic of nature to avert a zombie apocalypse. Uprooted features LGBTQ and Pagan themes. To learn more, visit http://nicolefordthomas.com
"And that very day man was created from the mere esences of the waters, formed and patterned after....."
National Geographic
Freed from a suspended balloon a fraction of a second earlier, water maintains a balloon-like shape for a fraction more—long enough for Serge Raymond to capture the moment in a picture featured in National Geographic's Daily Dozen in June.
Shawn Folger. he's gentle and disciplined. Of course he's also friendly, dedicated and generous, but they're tainted by and mixed with habits of being pretentious as well. His gentleness though, this is what he's kind of cherished for. Friends frequently count on this and his methodical nature whenever they need assistance or help.