Idées pour la maison

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13 Badrum – det är detaljerna som sätter stilen i badrummet
13 Bathroom - it's the details that sets the style in the bathroom - Comfortable home
Bathroom Design and Remodeling Inspirations
tiled shower with stone pebble floor, glass doors and shower seats in bathroom remodel in Virginia
Restoration Hardware Inspired Dining Table for $110
Hey there! Join us on Instagram and Pinterest to keep up with our most recent projects and sneak peeks! Check out our new how-to videos on YouTube! Make sure to subscribe to our channel so you don't miss any! Hey there! I’ve been moving right along trying to fill up all of the empty rooms …
65+ Bathroom Tile Ideas | Art and Design
65+ Bathroom Tile Ideas | Cuded; but in white tile
Une salle de bain rustique chic
Grande tendance actuelle, le style rustique chic se transpose également dans la salle de bain et s'exprime par le mélange de matières brutes et de mobilier contemporain. Une salle de bain de ce style pourra, par exemple, marier un meuble-lavabo en thermoplastique lustré à un mur de bois de grange. Masculinité et audace sont permises avec des murs noirs et de la céramique grand format ou à motifs hexagonaux. Le contraste des finis bruts (bois, pierre) et brillants (miroirs, verre, laque) insu...
How to Paint Concrete to Look Like Wood
I REALLY like the wood looking painted/stained concrete. Would like to do this if it's not too hard
This Floor Is NOT Made From Wood. Can You Tell What It Is? - First For Women
This Floor Is NOT Made From Wood. Can You Tell What It Is? - First For Women
This Floor Is NOT Made From Wood. Can You Tell What It Is?
DIY Glass Bottle Torch: 6 Easy Steps For Your Home – Craft projects for every fan!
How To Build A Glass Bottle Torch This DIY project is like hitting not two, but three birds with one stone. You get to decorate your patio with your empty wine bottles, instead of it just binning them. The torches can also be used to keep mosquitoes away. And last but not the least, you get to save some money by recycling!
Maine Home + Design | Architecture, art and good living,
Refined Rustic Bathroom
65+ Bathroom Tile Ideas | Art and Design
When patterns define a space.
65+ Bathroom Tile Ideas | Art and Design
Break the boundaries and the rules.