
A board on data management, data quality, data governance, data analytics, business intelligence and more
81 Pins
4 Sections
Data Quality Myth #1: Data Cleansing #datacleansing
3 Best Practices for Managing Reference Data #referencedata
What is a Data Governance Council? #datagovernance
a description and overview into what a data governance council/ committee/ group is
5 Reference Data Characteristics #referencedata
Stephen King’s 5 rules for data governance practitioners (kind of) | LightsOnData
How to use the barrier analysis for improved data quality | LightsOnData
5 key stakeholders for successful report/ dashboard development | LightsOnData
3 key data integrity testing strategies for DW/ BI systems | LightsOnData
Sample DW/ BI verification framework and sample verifications provided
The ultimate Terms of Reference template for data governance council
Free TOR template for your data governance committee/ council/ group
9 questions to ask for data veracity assessment | LightsOnData
Here are the 9 questions to ask the data provider to help you better assess the data veracity.
Data governance maturity models - Kalido | LightsOnData
The latest overview of yet another data governance maturity model
How much does poor data quality cost your organization? | LightsOnData
Calculate the cost of poor data quality and why management does not get it...