Harvesting From The Garden

Discover tips and techniques for harvesting your garden’s bounty! From fruits and berries to flowers, seeds, vegetables, and herbs, this board is packed with ideas to make the most of your garden’s treasures.
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🌱Top 6 Tips for Successfully Harvesting Mint
Discover how to harvest mint leaves effectively with our 6 practical tips and learn what to avoid. Delve into sweet mint plant uses and get advice on growing mint outdoors—click to read the full article and follow us for more gardening ideas.
Learn How To Dry Goldenrod- Harvest, Dry And Store
Discover the simple and effective techniques to harvest, dry, and store goldenrod, a versatile herb renowned for it's vibrant blooms and herbal properties. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on the best times to harvest goldenrod, when it's flowers are in full bloom and at their most potent. Learn how to properly cut and prepare the plants for drying, choosing between air-drying, or using a dehydrator, to achieve optimal preservation.
Rose Hip Harvesting Guide: Collect, Dry, and Use
Learn how to harvest rose hips and preserve their goodness for teas, syrups, and more! This guide walks you through collecting, drying, and using rose hips to enjoy their benefits all year round.