
119 Pins
How to: Make a Deco Poly Mesh Tree
In this video Kristen shows you how to make a holiday tree out of a tomato cage and Deco Poly Mesh Ribbon! Deco Poly Mesh is a wonderful ribbon to use for decorating. Easily make wreaths, trees, bows and use to trim the Christmas tree! For more projects, visit our Project Gallery on our website:
Vintage Snowman - Sun, Nov 26 3PM at Woodlands
Join us at Pinot's Palette - Woodlands Studio on Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:00-9:00PM for Vintage Snowman. Seats are limited, reserve yours today!
140 Déco de Noël pour la Maison & l'Extérieur à Fabriquer Soi-Même
Fabriquer ces boules de Noël géantes version XXL et les personnaliser avec des guirlandes lumineuses
Fabriquez une belle décoration de Noël avec des tuyaux de PVC!
Fabriquez une belle décoration de Noël avec des tuyaux de PVC!
DIY Wood Reindeer - Her Tool Belt
Make a festive Christmas DIY Wood Reindeer from a 1x8 board. Use the free pattern to cut out the deer with a jigsaw, scroll saw or band saw.
Light up present DIY - they used chicken wire - but I bet plastic canvas would work too @Wanita Levacy-Sabinan
DIY Nice Plastic Cup Lamp
DIY Nice Plastic Cup Lamp light lights diy cup craft crafts easy crafts diy ideas diy crafts do it yourself lamp easy diy easy crafts diy images easy diy craft ideas easy crafts diy tutorial diy tutorials fun diy