Défi 30 jours

72 Pins
7 Minute Workout by : @gofitnessgo
4 Fun Side Plank Variations To Strengthen Your Core And Shape Your Sides - GymGuider.com
You’ve probably heard it before, but you really don’t have to do another crunch. (No, really—don’t. They’re bad for your posture, among a host of other ills.) Instead, use these exercises to firm, flatten, and contour your waistline by training your abs, obliques, and back muscles to resist bending motions and stabilise your core, which is what they’re designed to do. Get a flat stomach before summer with progressive weekly ab workouts that work
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Découvrez comment préparer de l'eau de chia au citron pour mincir Dans cet article, nous allons tout vous révéler sur la préparation de cette eau de chia au citron.