To infinity and beyond

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Trigger-Happy Star Formation (NASA, Chandra, 8/12/09)
Trigger-Happy Star Formation (NASA, Chandra, 8/12/09). his composite image, combining data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Spitzer Space Telescope shows the molecular cloud Cepheus B, located in our Galaxy about 2,400 light years from the Earth. A molecular cloud is a region containing cool interstellar gas and dust left over from the formation of the galaxy and mostly contains molecular hydrogen.
Hubble Watches Star Clusters on a Collision Course
Hubble Watches Star Clusters on a Collision Course
APOD: 2012 January 15 - Infrared Portrait of the Large Magellanic Cloud
Infrared Portrait of the Large Magellanic Cloud
ESO 2.2-m WFI Image of the Tarantula Nebula
Tarantula Nebula
Inside the Great Nebula in Orion
Inside the Great Nebula in Orion
Nox Vigilata
(Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Infinity Imagined
The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51A or NGC 5194) and (M51B or NGC 5195, left). The Whirlpool Galaxy is a grand-design spiral galaxy, interacting with NGC 5195, a dwarg galxy. Both galaxies are located 23 ± 4 million light-years away in Canes Venatici.
Orions Sword
orion's sword