Words of Wisdom

Bible verses and other thoughts from pastors, theologians and inspirational Christians to encourage you!
414 Pins
Steal C.S Lewis’ 3 priorities for 2024
Feeling overwhelmed by your 2024 opportunities? 📝 C.S. Lewis offers a game-changing approach to align your priorities with purpose.
How to care for your mental health during coronavirus
How to care for your mental health during coronavirus.
Winning Your Inner Battles video series
Are you wrestling with your relentless inner critic or find yourself triggered by things that cause you to react poorly? In this FREE, eight-part video series, Pastor Levi Lusko offers practical and encouraging lessons on taking control of your thoughts and actions.
Let’s Not Fight: Godly Peacemaking
Conflict happens. Here's how to find peace in your relationships and life.
Be steadfast!
Your work for the Lord never goes to waste.
Want to have a monumental impact on the world, but don't know where to start? Listen to these practical tips.
Confronting Others With Grace
Check out these helpful strategies for confronting others with grace & restoring relational unity!
How to care for your mental health during coronavirus
How to care for your mental health during coronavirus.
Five to Thrive
Find out if your 5 core needs are being met and what to do if they're not!
The Way We Work
What impact are you making with the gifts God has given you?
Caring for Our Aging Parents
It's your turn to care for your aging parents. What do you do? Here are some ideas.
Confronting Without Offending
Positive & practical steps to resolving conflict.