awesome things

Perhaps the oldest Viking rune stone found in Södermanland, the vertical rune lines and lack of ornamentation tell us that this stone's inscription is from the second half of the 900s. Originally found inside a burial mound in 1856, this stone had probably been placed on the top of the grave but over the passing 800 years since, slowly sank into the ground, hidden by growing grass.
"Stone of Destiny", at Tara © sarah gallagher cc-by-sa/2.0
"Stone of Destiny", at Tara (C) sarah gallagher :: Geograph Ireland
The Megaliths of Great Britain
Mên-an-Tol is supposed to have a fairy or piskie guardian who can make miraculous cures. Local legend claims that if at full moon a woman pa...
The Ring of Brodgar (alternative spelling Brogar) comprises a massive ceremonial enclosure and stone circle probably dating from between 2500 and 2000 BCE. Around it are at least 13 prehistoric burial mounds and a stone setting (2500-1500 BCE). Scotland. Photo by Housam A Labbad