Business Wall Art

Clayton Homes Timeline Wall Mural « High Res Blog
Clayton Homes Timeline Wall Mural « High Res Blog
Ketchup Culture: Bottling 145 Years of Heinz History
Cool graphic wall - Ketchup Culture: Bottling 145 Years of Heinz History
Image 4 - Discovering and Delivering Your Authentic Brand
Exeter Hospital of Exeter, NH has a long history in the community. As part of a facility refreshment, and to share that history and connect with patients, visitors and staff, Image 4 developed this 85-foot dimensional mural time line. Photographs float above a wall covering timeline, and artifacts are displayed in museum-quality vitrines. The staff and visitors are always interested by the project.
Three Installations @ SanDisk HQ with VDTA - Lacey Arslan
Working parallel with the architectural refresh of the campus. We worked collaboratively with the communications team at Sandisk to define a “Sandisk Story” and integrate it into the prominent architectural spaces. The public entry of the campus engages v…