
55 Pins
The Brain On Sex - iNFOGRAPHiCs MANiA
The brain has been called the largest sex organ for good reason
5 Hobbies that Can Make you Smarter #infographic
5 Hobbies that Can Make you Smarter #infographic #Health
Childhood Trauma - What You Should Know, What You Can Do [PTSD] [Infographic]
Childhood #Trauma - What You Should Know, What You Can Do [#PTSD] Adverse childhood Experiences (ACEs) affect long term health and risk for chronic illness, mental illness and other invisible illnesses
Memory Retention and the Forgetting Curve Infographic - e-Learning Infographics
Memory Retention and the Forgetting Curve Infographic examines how the human brain absorbs and categorizes information differently. According to the infographic, there is a specific formula that describes how individuals retain and forget information depending on how material is learned, how meaningful it is and the difficulty of the material.
[Infographie] Apprendre à mieux apprendre - le blog de Solerni – plateforme de MOOCs
La motricité globale de 0 à 8 ans en un coup d'œil
Comment se passe le développement classique d’un enfant ? Voici les grandes étapes.
Normal Defiant Behavior or Oppositional Defiant Disorder? [Infographic]
How is a parent to know what is normal age appropriate defiant behavior or if their child is displaying signs of Oppositional Defiant Disorder? This infographic from Manhattan Psychology Group is meant to bring awareness to ODD and help parents understand what to look for in their child's behavior that can be signs of the disorder. Because early intervention is key to treatment, we hope to help parents who may be dealing with a defiant child.
31 Dangerous Drugs in the U.S. Today | All Psychology Schools
Beyond Addiction: Ranking the Riskiest Drugs in the U.S.
Infographie : la mémorisation dans les apprentissages | The D.L.N.
J’entends et j’oublie, je vois et je me souviens, je fais et je comprends Confucius Près de 2500 ans après, la citation de Confucius, les études confirment que nous apprenons grace à nos sens : nous apprenons ce que nous percevons. Le modèle d’Edgar Dale met en évidence que selon les sens sollicités, nous retenons