
37 Pins
Unstopping a Clogged Drain- Naturally
I have tried this in several of our sinks, including the kitchen when it was stopped up. I had everything I needed already so it was a quick and easy fix. Tip: The hot water really helps.
Make Your Own Reusable “Swiffer” Pads and Cleaning Solution for PENNIES! | One Good Thing By Jillee
I learned this trick when we were selling our home: To make a stainless steel sink shine like a super star, squirt a small amount of baby oil in a clean sink. Spread it around with a dry paper towel and wipe clean. Then step back and enjoy your model home-quality kitchen.
How to: Clean Window Tracks
How to Clean Window Tracks: white vinegar and baking soda (or hydrogen peroxide!) 30 Q-tips toothbrush hot water paper towels Sprinkle baking soda into the corners, then pour in some vinegar. The baking soda will begin to bubble and loosen up the cruddy stuff. When the bubbling calms down, begin to make circle motions with a Q-tip, then go back into the corners and sweep the muck towards the middle. Pour warm water from the corner to the center. Use your paper towels to wipe everything dry.
The Complete Guide To Washing Walls (it works on ceilings too)
The Painless Way To Wash Walls. This time-saving tip will save you a ton of time AND headache. It's especially helpful if you have tall walls or vaulted ceilings. {}
Keeping Your Glass Shower Door Clean: A Secret Weapon
Use a dryer sheet to clean your bathroom! Just add some water and it will clean up any hard to remove soap scum!
Insecticides naturels et sans risque
L’ail asphyxie les petites bêtes / Grâce à son odeur forte et persistante, l’ail fait fuir insectes, pucerons, puces… et peut même aller jusqu’à les asphyxier ! Comment l’utiliser : Faire bouillir 2 à 3 gousses d’ail hachées dans un litre d’eau. Laisser infuser pendant 12 heures, puis filtrer. Verser dans un vaporisateur et pulvériser directement sur les insectes. Recommencer trois fois à trois jours d’intervalle. Effet garanti !
How To Make A Fabric-Refreshing Lavender Linen Spray
My house smells so good, after making this! I refuse to buy Febreze ever again.
Nettoyer la porte du four sans produit chimique : pulvériser un mélange vinaigre + eau et recouvrir de bicarbonate de soude, attendre, éponger .