American Girl Doll stuff

Doll Stuff by JanaDoll Stuff by Jana |
Free-standing swing that seats two 18" dolls (Swing Time pattern #1003AP). Easy DIY using PVC pipe.
Perfect Patterns for 18" American Girl dolls.
Perfect Patterns for 18" American Girl dolls.
A New Outfit for Our Carpatina Doll
Free Printable Doll Clothes Patterns | New Outfit for Our Carpatina Doll — Doll Diaries
Really interesting blog with loads of inspiration for creating really nice AG doll clothes
The Ultimate American Girl Acessory Guide: Buy it, Make it, Love it
American Girl tutorials and other accessory information
DIY: American Girl of the Year Grace's Bakery!!!
DIY: American Girl of the Year Grace's Bakery!!! Create your own American Girl Bakery at home! Goes perfect with the My Girls Dollhouse for your 18" dolls.
American Girl Doll Accessories You Can Find at Dollar Tree - Simplee Thrifty
Save on American Girl Doll Accessories: Take a look at these American Girl Doll Accessories you can find at Dollar Tree. For just a few dollars, you can buy your doll some fun and budget friendly accessories that are sure to do the trick.