DIY & Crafts

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¡Wow Miren lo que es ese bazar de resina 💣🤩! Tu también lo puedes hacer 🌈 Comenta "CLASE" y te pasaré la clase gratuita para que aprendas resina desde cero y un ebooks de introducción 🎓 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #manualidades #resina #epoxica #emprendimiento #emprende #bazarderesina #marron #cursoonline #chilr #brazil #españa #peru #argentina #colombia #republicadominicana #bolivia #paraguay #reels #viral #tendendencia #clasegratuita #negociorentable2024 #español
🍀 Green Wonderland Cake Stand Tutorial 🍀 Green and gold is always one of my favorite color combo. What is yours? If you like my art check out my onlineshop (link in Bio, I ship worldwide. And if you want to have personalized articles just send a message. You want to learn Resin Art? Check out @biddyartdesign.onlinecourse Resin: Dipon Lumina Cast Gem Flow TopCoat: Dipon DCS Resin Pigments: @dipon_de Dipon 10% Code: BIDDY10 (OnlineShop If you need he...
🍀 Green Wonderland Cake Stand Tutorial 🍀 Green and gold is always one of my favorite color combo. What is yours? If you like my art check out my onlineshop (link in Bio, I ship worldwide. And if you want to have personalized articles just send a message. You want to learn Resin Art? Check out @biddyartdesign.onlinecourse Resin: Dipon Lumina Cast Gem Flow TopCoat: Dipon DCS Resin Pigments: @dipon_de Dipon 10% Code: BIDDY10 (OnlineShop If you need he...
🍦 Resin Art Tutorial🍦 Cake Stands are always fun to make. I hope you enjoy the tutorial. The uncut and realtime version of many of my Tutorials is available in my online course 🥰 All my art pieces are available in my onlineshop 🥰 link in Bio 🥰 Hardware/Etagerenstangen: Resin: @dipon_de Luminacast Art Flow Colors: @dipon_de Code BIDDY10 for -10% #art #resin #resinart #biddyartdesign 6️⃣
Flower Power - dekorative Kunst mit echten getrockneten Blumen. 🥰 Handmade with love 🥰 individuell für dich nach deinen Wünschen Viel Spaß beim Resin Art Tutorial 🥰 Wenn euch gefällt was ihr seht dann schaut gerne in meinem Onlineshop ( vorbei oder schreibt mir eine Nachricht. Und falls ihr auch Resin Art lernen wollt: sagt bescheid, ich habe einen Onlinekurs vom Anfänger bis hin zum Pro @biddyartdesign.onlinecourse (deutsch und englisch). Die Hardware und Blumen findet ih...
This may contain: someone is making a wreath out of fake grass and artificial flowers with scissors on the table
Make a Spring Floral Wreath in Ten Minutes - How to Make a Floral Wreath - Spring Wreath
Learn how to make a quick and easy spring floral wreath in just ten minutes, with only a few supplies. All you need is a moss wreath base, a few florals, and add a bow! Visit our Youtube channel in our bio to watch the full video to learn how to make a wreath just like this. And find your supplies at The Wreath Shop!
Egg Topiary Craft - Just Add Confetti
egg topiary craft, diy craft, Easter craft, Easter DIY, Just Add Confetti, Egg Topiary, step-by-step tutorial, egg, Easter eggs, Easter
Bandeja gris de resina 🩶
¿Quieres aprender a crear estás increíbles manualidades de resina epoxi 🧑🏻‍🎓? Visita el link de mi perfil ☝🏻
This may contain: a decorative glass plate with flowers on it and candles in the background at a wedding reception
Luxury Trays by Karen Cain Designs 🤗💕 visit me on my Instagram for more