Food & Nutrition Tidbits

Only for nutrition geeks! Approved by registered dietitians.
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What to order at Dunkin Donuts when trying to lose weight - Nutrition Starring YOU
You CAN mix convenience with healthy eating: learn what to order at Dunkin Donuts when trying to lose weight. Watch for added sugars and fake health foods! @LaurenPincusRD
What to Order at Panera When Trying to Lose Weight - Nutrition Starring YOU
What to Order at Panera When Trying to Lose Weight via @LaurenPincusRD For more healthy dining out tips, visit #PaneraBread #PaneraBreadsouprecipes #Paneracalories #Paneracopycat #Panerasalad #Panerasaladdressings #Panerasandwichrecipes #Panerasouprecipes
How to Order Sushi When Trying to Lose Weight - Nutrition Starring YOU
Love sushi? Have you always wondered how many calories are in your favorite rolls or other menu items? Learn how to order sushi when trying to lose weight. via @LaurenPincusRD #narutorollsushi #sashimicalories #sashimiplatter #sashimituna, #seaweedsalad #sushi #sushicalories #sushicaloriescount, #sushicalorieshealthy #sushicaloriesrolls #sushirolls
Are You Going Vegetarian or Vegan for the Right Reasons? — Registered Dietitian Columbia SC - Rachael Hartley Nutrition
Are You Going Vegetarian or Vegan for the Right Reasons? — Registered Dietitian Columbia SC - Rachael Hartley Nutrition
Dunkin Donuts Diet Options
How to order at Dunkin Donuts when trying to lose weight. Watch out for added sugar and reduced calorie menu items. #dunkindonuts via @LaurenPincusRD #diabeticfoodsatdunkindonuts, #howmanycaloriesinamacchiato, #dunkindonutsketodrinks, #lowcaloriecoffeedrinks, #lowsugardrinksatdunkindonuts, #whatcanadiabetichaveatdunkindonuts, #ketocoffeedrinks, #lowsugar,#dunkindonutssugarfreecoffeedrinks #lowcarbcoffee #dunkinicedcoffee
Dunkin Donuts Diet Options
How to order at Dunkin Donuts when trying to lose weight. Watch out for added sugar and reduced calorie menu items. #dunkindonuts via @LaurenPincusRD #diabeticfoodsatdunkindonuts, #howmanycaloriesinamacchiato, #dunkindonutsketodrinks, #lowcaloriecoffeedrinks, #lowsugardrinksatdunkindonuts, #whatcanadiabetichaveatdunkindonuts, #ketocoffeedrinks, #lowsugar,#dunkindonutssugarfreecoffeedrinks #lowcarbcoffee #dunkinicedcoffee
Can I drink alcohol and still lose weight?
Which drinks have the fewest calories? Find out in: Can I Drink Alcohol and Still Lose Weight? @LaurenPincusRD
The Secret Reason Frozen Yogurt Makes You Gain Weight - Nutrition Starring YOU
If you love fro-yo, I’m going to share the little-known, secret reason frozen yogurt makes you gain weight, that may help make the difference between a small treat and a weight control disaster. @LaurenPincusRD
How Much Sugar Should I Have a Day? - Nutrition Starring YOU
Do you ever wonder, "How much sugar should I have a day?" I've got the recommendations and am busting myths about all things SUGAR. #howmuchsugaraday, #howmuchsugaradaydiet, #howmuchsugarshouldyouhaveaday, #howmuchsugarshouldIeat, #howmuchsugarshouldIhaveaday, #howmuchsugarshouldkidshave, #howmuchsugarisinsoda, #howmuchsugarisinfruit, #howmuchsugarisinacoke, #howmuchsugarisinabanana
Dunkin Donuts Diet Options
How to order at Dunkin Donuts when trying to lose weight. Watch out for added sugar and reduced calorie menu items. #dunkindonuts via @LaurenPincusRD #diabeticfoodsatdunkindonuts, #howmanycaloriesinamacchiato, #dunkindonutsketodrinks, #lowcaloriecoffeedrinks, #lowsugardrinksatdunkindonuts, #whatcanadiabetichaveatdunkindonuts, #ketocoffeedrinks, #lowsugar,#dunkindonutssugarfreecoffeedrinks #lowcarbcoffee #dunkinicedcoffee
Dunkin Donuts Diet Options
How to order at Dunkin Donuts when trying to lose weight. Watch out for added sugar and reduced calorie menu items. #dunkindonuts via @LaurenPincusRD #diabeticfoodsatdunkindonuts, #howmanycaloriesinamacchiato, #dunkindonutsketodrinks, #lowcaloriecoffeedrinks, #lowsugardrinksatdunkindonuts, #whatcanadiabetichaveatdunkindonuts, #ketocoffeedrinks, #lowsugar,#dunkindonutssugarfreecoffeedrinks #lowcarbcoffee #dunkinicedcoffee
Intuitive Eating for Food Allergies or Celiac — Registered Dietitian Columbia SC - Rachael Hartley Nutrition
If you've been diagnosed with celiac disease or a food allergy, it may not seem like Intuitive Eating is for you, but Intuitive Eating is for everyone. #IntuititveEating #HAES #celiacdisease #foodallergies #health #wellness
Sushi for Weight Loss
How to order sushi when trying to lose weight. Check out these tips for healthier ordering. via @LaurenPincusRD #narutorollsushi #sashimicalories #sashimiplatter #sashimituna, #seaweedsalad #sushi #sushicalories #sushicaloriescount, #sushicalorieshealthy #sushicaloriesrolls #sushirolls #howmanycaloriesinsushi
Healthy "Junk Food" Snacks | A Dietitian's Rules for Choosing Healthier Options Abbey's Kitchen
Today I’m going to be walking you through my rules for choosing healthy “junk food” snacks and how to navigate the grocery store.