Beach themed product shoot

18 Pins
A new twist on coconut water with Vita Coco Sparkling Grapefruit. Bursting with bubbles, naturally occurring electrolytes, and refreshing citrus, Sparkling Grapefruit will quickly become your afternoon fix. #FoodHealthNutrition
amy currell photography - - Image Search Results
amy currell photography - - Yahoo Image Search Results
Creative Food & Product Photography by Lauren Camposano
Lauren is a commercial food & product photographer, food stylist, recipe developer, and content creator. Brand photography, brand photographer, lifestyle, lifestyle photography, lifestyle content, content creator, creative photography, Spindrift, pineapple, tropical photography, branding, beach photography, summer drinks.
Gradual Tanning Lotion for a Radiant Glow | Jergens
Actual footage of us with our friends this summer 😏 Goodbye winter whites, hello glowy smooth happy skin! Shop Jergens Natural Glow Collection @CVS 😉 . . . #jergens #skincareroutine #skincareproducts #skincarejunkie #naturalglow #glowyskin #glowingskin #tannedskin #sunlesstanning #tanningtime #selftanning #tanninglotion #hometanning #moisturizer
V.Sun Care Product Photography Photoshoot Pool Day
For our client V.Sun Care we styled our product photography set with minimal, but colorful props - our background was a paper backdrop, as well as wood, which shaped our pool scene. For prop styling we went for pool accessories, such as flip flops, an umbrella and a chair to relax in. In combination with water shots - which we added food coloring to, so the water would be very blur and pool-like - this product photography photoshoot perfectly visualizes our pool day idea. #productphotography
Beverage-Summer Product Photography
Daydream Drink - Blueberry Chai Product Photography, Seasonal Product Shoot, Summer, Beach, Vacation Theme, Summer Product Shoot, Set design, Prop Styling