Productivity and Planning Tips

Planning and productivity is key for success for women business owners and female entrepreneurs. Tips to create 90-Day plans and focus on your daily goals and productivity.
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The Power of Community
Entrepreneurship isn’t always easy, it can be lonely at time. The good news is there are many amazing communities of like-minded entrepreneurial people (online and offline) that you can join for support, shared wisdom, motivation, and accountability. It is important to find at one or two communities that can support you. Listen to this week’s Ready for More! Podcast tip and learn about the benefits of being part of a community.
Take Control of Your Day and Unleash Your Productivity!
Do you hear yourself saying “you need to make more time”, “time flies by”, or “if only I had more time”? Here is the simple truth – time is time, we can’t make more, we can’t change the speed to which time passes. However, we do control how we choose to use the 24 hours a day that we have the privilege to live. Are you ready to take control of your day? Are you ready to increase your productivity by looking at your time differently?
Protect Your Business
This episode could have been called “What I Learned from Dropping my Smartphone Down an Elevator Shaft.” Yes, I really dropped it down an elevator shaft! I was lucky, I got it back and it worked! Imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t invested in a protective case. How is your business protected against the unexpected? What would happen if your computer died? Is your data backed up? Listen to this week’s tips and learn 4 things to think about to protect your business from the unexpected.
Planning Your Awesome Month
Welcome to a new month! Today is a great day for planning your Awesome Month. This week’s weekly tip outlines a simple process that I follow at the beginning of each month to set myself up for success. Do you spend time at the beginning of each month planning for success? Do you review your last month and set your goals for the new month? Listen to this week’s Ready for More! Podcast weekly tip and learn a simple 2 step process that you can do each month to plan your Awesome Month.
Weekly Planning Ritual
How often do you step back from your day-to-day work to check in and see how things are going with your business? Is your work aligned with your goals? Have things changed? Is there something that needs attention that isn’t getting looked after? Do you have a weekly planning habit to start and close off your week. Listen to this week’s Ready for More! Podcast tip and learn a simple 6 areas to cover at the beginning of the week and 6 reflective questions to ask yourself at the end of your week.
Plan Your Day Around Your Energy Levels
We are all different, we all have different energy levels at different times of the day. If you want to increase your productivity start planning your day by matching your highest energy times with your most important tasks. “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” ~ Stephen Covey Listen to this week's tip: 7 steps to help you develop your own magic energy level formula to increase your productivity and grow your business.